Mr Richard Price FRCS (Plast)
Certified Cosmetic Surgeon with the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Brow Lift Surgery
Ageing changes in the face are reflected by the position of the eyebrow. With time, the brow drops from its normal position to give the appearance of tiredness and hooding of the upper eyelids. A Brow Lift Procedure aims to lift the position of the eyebrow and is commonly performed in conjunction with an eyelid reduction (upper blepharoplasty), or for facial weakness (facial palsy).
There are several ways to lift the brow, including a direct brow lift, an open brow lift, and an endoscopic brow lift. Mr Price will discuss the merits of each of these once he has assessed you, and can advise on which might be the better for you.
The operation is usually very successful. Recognised problems are changes in the sensation over the scalp, caused by injury to the nerves as they pass from the eyebrow backwards, weakness of the forehead, and asymmetry. This is not, however, an operation to remove wrinkles on the forehead – Botox® is better suited for this purpose.
To make an appointment to discuss Brow Lift surgery in Cambridge, please contact Mr Price’s secretary.