Mr Richard Price FRCS (Plast)
Certified Cosmetic Surgeon with the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Lower Blepharoplasty
Lower Blepharoplasty (with or without a Mid-Face Lift) is the procedure to remove bagginess and loose skin from beneath the eyes. With age there is weakening of the tissues around the eye, resulting in fat protruding beneath the eyelid, saggy eyelids and drooping of the fat pad over the cheekbone. All of these lead to a tired look in the lower eyelid which can be addressed by Lower Blepharoplasty. You should be aware that wrinkles can, and will, return. During your consultation with Mr Price, he will assess your eyelids and cheek and advise you what benefits you would get from Blepharoplasty alone, or with a Mid-Face procedure.
The Lower Blepharoplasty procedure uses an incision directly underneath the eyelashes, along the eye. It often extends for a short distance out from the eyelid, along one of the wrinkle lines next to the eye. This means that it is much less obvious, mimicking a wrinkle rather than looking like a true scar. When the Mid-Face procedure is performed, the scar is a little longer and a scar may be necessary in the temple.
During the operation, excess fat, and a small amount of skin is removed and the skin is sutured and taped. After the operation, your eyelids will swell and there will be some bruising which may last up to a fortnight. This is usually easily concealed using sunglasses.
During a Mid-Face Lift (if performed), the tissues over the cheekbone are lifted up and re-suspended in order to give a more youthful appearance. Careful dissection is necessary to avoid injuring the nerve supplying sensation to the upper lip, a recognised complication. The operation is much more involved and carries greater risks than the lower blepharoplasty procedure.
Risks of this procedure include lower eyelid retraction (ectropion), asymmetry and blindness (1:20,000). Mr Price will be able to talk you through the operation in more detail at your consultation.
Lower Blepharoplasty surgery prices
To make an appointment to discuss Lower Blepharoplasty surgery in Cambridge, please contact Mr Price’s secretary.